The privilege of being born Muslims come with a great responsibility. Listen to find out why Allah made some born in Muslim families while the rest in Non-Muslim families.
India has defied basic human rights in Kashmir, Gujrat and other cities. Yet the International community is not willing to hold India accountable. On the other hand India always threatens Pakistan! Why?
Sectarianism is the result of deviation from Quran and the Sunnah. Condemned by Allah (s.w.t) and Prophet (s.a.w), yet people strictly and blindly follow their sects. Instead of inviting to Islam, people invite to their sect.
Angels spoke to Maryam, conveying to her Allah (s.w.t) message of selection. Wahi however is not always for Divine Scriptures. Quran and Hadith gives various other examples also.
Allah (s.w.t) answers prayer which invoked with sincerety. The birth of Maryam and Yahya (e.s) was the result of their parents paitence, sincerety and devotion to Allah (s.w.t) alone.
Allah (s.w.t) chose Adam, Noah and others from Mankind as His Prophets through whom He guided the people. Their families were noble and it was important because people valued it in order to listen to their call.
Love of Allah (s.w.t) is only possible if a believer unconditionally follows His Messenger (s.a.w). Ignoring the orders of Allah (s.w.t) or His Messenger (s.a.w) is simply disbelief.
Allah (s.w.t) has issued a clear warning for the believers on taking disbelievers as close friends and allies. These ayaat focuses on the type of relationships Muslims can have and the exceptions under certain conditions.
In the previous Ayaat, Allah (s.w.t) said that the kufaar have sinned by killing those who tried to establish Islamic Way of Life and yet they still enjoy power and worldly benefits. Muslims should not lose heart as Allah (s.w.t) has full authority over everything.